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Форумы » Battle.net » Проблема со Stealth Bot
Проблема со Stealth Bot
04.09.2007 17:33 
[16:22:58] [BNET] 10053 -- Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure
[16:22:58] [BNET] Disconnected.
[16:22:58] All connections closed.
[16:22:58] [BNET] You appear to be IPBanned. The bot will attempt to reconnect again in 20 minutes.
Вот такая вещь, что делать?
04.09.2007 17:39 
убиться бота забанили за флуд или тебя (твой акк)
PS опять тему которых на сайте и так много создали..
04.09.2007 20:12 
почему когда я хочу врубить викторину пишу .trivia а он мне пишет
"no one hears you" ????????????
04.09.2007 20:26
Потому что из окна бота надо вводить команду
А из чата баттл.нет
15.09.2007 16:25 
[16:19:14] [BNLS] Error 11004: Valid name, no data record of requested type
[16:19:14] [BNLS] Your computer is unable to contact the BNLS servers.
[16:19:14] All connections closed.
[16:19:15] [BNLS] Error 11004: Valid name, no data record of requested type
[16:19:15] [BNLS] Your computer is having DNS resolution issues. No more reconnection will occur. Please try connecting again in 15-30 minutes, or contact your Internet Service Provider.

Нажимаю конектить а он пишет это что делать?
15.09.2007 16:27 
нажал еще раз пишет вот:
[16:26:58] All connections closed.
[16:26:59] [BNLS] Error 11004: Valid name, no data record of requested type
[16:26:59] [BNLS] Your computer is having DNS resolution issues. No more reconnection will occur. Please try connecting again in 15-30 minutes, or contact your Internet Service Provider.
[16:27:14] All connections closed.
15.09.2007 19:41 
или тут www.war3tftcool.ucoz.ru
15.09.2007 22:52 
[quote="OMGgluk"]Потому что из окна бота надо вводить команду
а в какую именно графу вводить? и могу ли я сделать так чтоб под одним сидикеям я и сидел сам на канале и бот работал а то теперь он мне пишет:
[22:52:14] [BNET] Connecting...
[22:52:14] [BNET] Connected!
[22:52:14] [BNET] Checking version...
[22:52:14] [BNET] Version check passed!
[22:52:14] [BNET] Your CD-key is currently in use under the owner name: игорь.
[22:52:14] [BNET] For more information, visit http://www.blizzard.com/support/?id=asc0729p .
[22:52:15] All connections closed.
15.09.2007 23:28
а в какую именно графу вводить? и могу ли я сделать так чтоб под одним сидикеям я и сидел сам на канале и бот работал а то теперь он мне пишет...

Вводить надо команду в окне бота (в самой программе бота) там же где ты вводишь сообщения в чат.
1сидикей - 1 человек/бот онлайн.
Иначе незя!
15.09.2007 23:45 
спс все пашет))
 пацаны надо хелп! Scripting runtime error '429' in Demo: (line 35; column 3)
ActiveX component can't create object
Offending line: >>
Scripting runtime error '429' in Demo: (line 35; column 3)
ActiveX component can't create object
Offending line: >>
 #include "\demo\frm.txt"
#include "\demo\sck.txt"
#include "\lib\Stealthbot\frmDataGrid.vbs"
Option Explicit
' // store script data
Script("Name") = "Demo"
Script("Author") = "Eric[nK]"
Script("Major") = 1
Script("Minor") = 0
Script("Revision") = 1

'Lets Observe the Internal bot events. This will cause Event_Command
'to fire whenever commands for that script occur.

' // create instance of demo class
Dim cls
Set cls = New CDemoClass

Sub Event_Load()

Dim Command, Parameter

'// check if command exists
Set Command = OpenCommand("soundex")
If Command Is Nothing Then
'// It does not, lets create the command
Set Command = CreateCommand("soundex")
With Command
'// ... and add a property
Set Parameter = .NewParameter("word", False, "word")
With Parameter
.Description = "The word you wish to calculate the soundex value of."
.MatchMessage = "[a-z]"
.MatchCaseSensitive = True
.MatchError = ""
End With
.Parameters.Add Parameter
'// set the access level required to use this command
.RequiredRank = 1
'// set a command description
.Description = "Calculate the soundex value of a word."
'// save the command
End With
End If

Set Command = OpenCommand("fibi")
If Command Is Nothing Then
Set Command = CreateCommand("fibi")
With Command
.Description = "Retreives a number from the Fibonacci sequance."
.RequiredRank = 1
Set Parameter = .NewParameter("Number", False, "Numeric")
With Parameter
.Description = "The index in the Fibonacci sequance you wish to grab."
.SpecialNotes = "Must be less then 10"
End With
.Parameters.Add Parameter
End With
End If

Set Command = OpenCommand("gridtest")
If Command Is Nothing Then
Set Command = CreateCommand("gridtest")
With Command
.Description = "Shows an example of the DataGrid form."
.RequiredRank = -1
End With
End If

Set Command = OpenCommand("deletescriptedcommands")
If Command Is Nothing Then
Set Command = CreateCommand("deletescriptedcommands")
With Command
.Description = "Deletes all commands created via script."
.RequiredRank = -1
End With
End If

Set Parameter = Nothing
Set Command = Nothing

' // create Winsock object
'CreateObj "Winsock", "sck"

' // set Winsock object properties
'With sck
' .RemoteHost = "uswest.battle.net"
' .RemotePort = 6112
' .Connect
'End With

' // create LongTimer object
'CreateObj "LongTimer", "LTimer"

' // set LongTimer object properties
'With LTimer
' .Interval = 60
' .Enabled = True
'End With

' // create Form object
'CreateObj "Form", "frm"

' // create Menu objects
'CreateObj "Menu", "mnu"
'CreateObj "Menu", "submnu"

' // set submnu as child of mnu
'submnu.Parent = mnu

' // set menu captions
'mnu.Caption = "menu"
'submnu.Caption = "submenu"

' // show form

End Sub

' LTimer event sub
Sub LTimer_Timer()
'AddChat vbBlue, "LTimer_Timer()"
End Sub

Sub Event_PacketReceived(Protocol, ID, Length, Data)
'If (Protocol = "BNCS") Then
' If (ID = &H65) Then
' End If
'End If
End Sub

Sub Event_PacketSent(Protocol, ID, Length, Data)
'If (Protocol = "BNCS") Then
' If (ID = &H65) Then
' End If
'End If
End Sub

Sub submnu_Click()
'AddChat vbBlue, "submnu_Click()"
End Sub

Sub TestDemo()
'AddChat vbBlue, "TestDemo()"
End Sub

Sub Event_Command(Command)
If(Command.Docs.Owner = Script("Name")) Then 'Its one of our Commands
Select Case LCase(Command.Name)
Case "fibi":
If (Command.IsValid) Then
If(Command.Argument("Number") < 1 Or Command.Argument("Number") > 10) Then
Command.Respond "Fibinacci Command is limited to 1-10"
Command.Respond "The number at position " & Command.Argument("Number") & " in the Fibinacci sequance is: " & GetFibiIndex(Command.Argument("Number"), 1, 0, 1)
End If
Command.Respond "Proper syntax for this command is: .Fibi "
End If
Case "soundex"
If (Command.IsValid) Then
Command.Respond StringFormat("The soundex value for {0} is {1}. ", Command.Argument("Word"), Soundex(Command.Argument("Word")))
Cmd.Respond StringFormat("The proper syntax for this command is: {0}SoundEx ", BotVars.Trigger)
End If
Case "gridtest"
Call GridTest()
Case "deletescriptedcommands"
Call DeleteScriptedCommands()
End Select
ElseIf (Command.Docs.Owner = vbNullString) Then 'Its a internal Command!
Command.Respond "Demo Event_Command Observer for internal command " & Command.Name
End If
End Sub

Function DeleteScriptedCommands()

Dim s, c

For Each s In Scripts()
For Each c In s.GetCommands()
Call s.DeleteCommand(c)
End Function

Function Soundex(ByVal word)
Dim result
Dim i, acode
Dim dcode, oldCode

' soundex is case-insensitive
word = UCase(word)
' the first letter is copied in the result
Soundex = Left(word, 1)
oldCode = Asc(Mid("01230120022455012623010202", Asc(word) - 64))

For i = 2 To Len(word)
acode = Asc(Mid(word, i, 1)) - 64
' discard non-alphabetic chars
If acode >= 1 And acode
  [0:24:06] [BNLS] Error 10060: The attempt to connect timed out
[0:24:06] [BNLS] The server took too long to respond to your computer. The BNLS server appears to be unreachable at this time. Please check back in an hour or two, or configure local hashing. (For more information regarding local hashing, visit

Что делать?

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Введите цифры с картинки